Monday, November 26, 2012

We Don't Celebrate Thanksgiving...

AHH! Wow! It's been quite awhile since I started this blog and look NO OFFERS OF GUEST POSTINGS! That's usual for my friends; ask for the moon. Settle for what they get. Here we are on the eve of Giving Thanks....

And I hope you give a Thank more than just once a year. In fact tomorrow's Thank is a bit overrated. I spent a good chunk of the summer discovering why Half of tomorrow's thank crew was not and still is not and probably will never be very thankful that they taught us the way of the Maize and now we'll never leave. By us I mean the Wasichus. We suck it like that. I tried to make up for it a little bit; and I'm sure the lifelong bond forged by our hosts and us will forever erase all racial tensions between the White Devil and the Native American....or at least make for good blogmatter later....moving along....
I set out to tell you all what I'm thankful for; and we'll get to that I'm sure. I had a long list. It was erased when I woke up from my nap (reason #7845 I'm thankful to be me: naps) hurling like it's an Olympic sport. NO! NOT! when there are Eggs to Devil (reason #5684 I'm thankful to be me: I am a good deviler); beans to casserole;
^is how far I got before I became too nauseous to continue. Cue today. I woke up. I deviled eggs. Well, Mykayla deviled eggs under my Master Deviler instruction. She rocked them. I casseroled the beans in a very untraditional YUMMY manner. There was more foods cooked by more roomies and we had a big fat untraditional THANKSgiving of EPIC proportions.....
REASON # 1 I'm thankful to be me: I have an AMAZEBALLS life.
My son is the cutest; my friends are the bestest; my husband is the awesomest; and I get to take naps.
^you see why I never actually post blogs?
Today I had an amazing honor. I was able to accompany
Brave Mykayla to her Chemo appointment. Man, sometimes I forget that kid has Cancer. Well, actually she doesn't have Cancer. Right now she just has Chemo. That sucks. Bad. I often wonder what it's like from her perspective. To be told she's in remission, that she doesn't have cancer. But, here's an intensive round of chemotherapy. Good luck with enjoying Thanksgiving. KK is blessed. Her parents have Cannabis and are not afraid to use it. My heart broke for all of the children I saw today that don't. Their feeding tubes bring a tear to my eye. Their lack of energy is apparent. Mykayla can outplay Cote some days. WOW! What makes us so crazy as a society? That we can not just sit back and discount all the bad aspects and just concentrate on the good? We do it all the time with things such as Lortab....I've seen five year olds with 7.5's. It makes me mad.
I'm also thankful for my friends and should post a blog about them. Or my awesome husband. Or my awesome kid. Or my awesome readership. Or you.
Top Ten Potential Blog Posts:

Blogging Takes Time.

Why I don't have any extra Time.
Crayons not Blogs!
Cannabis Cured Your What?
Who Reads This Anyway?
Guest Bloggers Needed Desparately Welcome!
See I can't even get to ten. It's 2:21 AM PST. I need to get up at 7 AM to put some clothes in the washer. (We are unable to wash clothes b/n 7 am and 7 pm)....because I might meet Tommy Chong.....I digress....
My sister is getting married..without me. I am sad. She is not. I was going to blog a blog about wedding advice/marriage advice/ etc.
I'm going to bed.
^And Cue Sunday Night at 11:48 PM
I have to go to school with the son in the AM to volunteer from 9am - 11:30 am. I still have to figure out what to put on the picture section of "Buddy's Travel Journal" because the son brought home the class stuffed dog for Thanksgiving break. His mother should have completed his "VIP" project before now. Where is that responsible adult? Probably not doing her son's "homework". I will certainly not be turning in the Travel Journal with a giant penis drawn in the section where "what we did with Buddy" is displayed. Seriously. I found the penis below in last week's entry. I hate to even ponder what Buddy was doing the weekend before he came to my house, or how his third eye felt afterwards.

I should go to bed. I should wash clothes. I will probably go to bed.
That's the trouble with blogging.....I can never figure out what to say at 


Until next time FunGals(andGuys)
Spread Spores of Love not Hate! And Celebrate!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

welcome to a whole lot of randomness.....

I am always sitting around being all clever in my head. If there were physical data of my internal memory, you would find about thirty thousand books, a hundred plays, an orchestra or two, numerous songs, thousands of haiku, and a dog named soup. I never write things down. I lost that talent somewhere between being blissfully ignorant of the paper goods aisle and living in a tent for a month during the summer of 2012. By the time I’ve found the paper and pen, the thought is gone. A bubble sent into eternity to birth life in a parallel dimension; and what a fucked up world it must be there; I know; I created it.

 The point is that I’ve written a thousand and twenty “blogs” only for this one to end up on your computer screen. This ramble about how clever and witty I am with no proof. No meat. No substance. Just the same illiterate ramble of the masses; nothing new here. Move along.

 My first blog post was about the mystical start to my “journey” to “find (run away from) myself”. A sweat lodge was to be the setting. Key mystic Native American music. And it was going to prove how cool I am and how you should always read the blogs I am probably not going to write. I have a confession.

I am not cool. In any manner. I am actually quite boring. I rarely even read anymore unless you count Facebook. I count Facebook. That means I am not cool. You should probably save time and stop reading now. Seriously. Quit. It’s making me nervous.
That’s why I don’t write things down. You will judge me. And I care. My ego; for all the time I spend trying to convince myself that I do not have one; fears your judgment. I call myself a speller. I used to read. A lot. I could be a grammar Nazi; if I cared. I have a confession.
I am apathetic. I simply muster just enough effort to make it through to the next day. Ask my roommates what happens on my dinner night. It’s not pretty. I do not think this existence is anything more than a huge learning and creating experience that we should be enjoying. Laundry does not constitute enjoyment. I also think I am smart enough already and shouldn’t have to learn so I choose to stick with the enjoyment. Yes the husband regularly ponders why he has a wife; he still doesn’t know; except that I’m very smart. Witty. and clever.

So when the sweat lodge blog didn’t work out. I was going to write about how to Be. I do a lot of that. I say. (I really do a lot of nothing blended with a lot of crazy.) Then I realized I can’t front; not on my first blog. I have a confession.

I want to be the Beingness Master™ and I am in no way shape or form close. I can’t turn my mind off. When it’s not being exceedingly entertaining; it’s being bat shit crazy. There’s no way to really BE with that kind of attitude.

My final confession is that I want to write a blog and be informative, but this is what we have to work with. Perhaps through the support of the readership and guest postings we can do something positive here. Or at least we can discuss the social history of the magical mushroom, how cannabis can save lives, how GMO food is bad,
but mostly just how freaking clever, witty, and amazingly awesome I happen to be. J

Until next time FunGals(andGuys)
Spread Spores of Love not Hate! And Celebrate! J
* we have MANY openings for guest bloggers*